Our Physical Being
Our physical being is essential to all others aspects of our ways of being providing the material basis of our moods, emotions and language. Without our bodies the others simply do not exist. These notes begin with a growing understanding of the role brains play in anticipating and engaging with an uncertain future. I also explore the importance of consciousness and memory and how our physical structure enables and reflects our ways of being.
These articles do not offer a full explanation of these principles rather provide a basic understanding of what is involved.
A common-sense view of our experience would have us believe our brains react to what our senses tell us about the world. We perceive something, process what we perceive and then take some sort...
Our simulations occur outside our awareness, yet some enter our consciousness and become our conscious experience. Any discussion about the human brain and our biological or physical being must...
If we accept consciousness is a subjective experience arising from the dynamics of our body, how do things find their way into consciousness? We are constantly taking in information about the...
The foundations of the ontological approach which led to this work were established in part through the work of a Chilean biologist Humberto Maturana. From the 1960s he explored the nature of...
Much has been written over the years about body language and how we can ‘read’ it. Although we are generally not aware of it, we place great significance on others’ physical appearance, behaviour...
Want to go to the source?
Here are some books that provide a more in-depth look at some of the key ideas of my work. They also provide a source of references for the underpinning neuroscientific research.