Create a Meaningful Life

Ontological Coaching

Ontological coaching is an approach to coaching that focuses on the study of being and how individuals perceive and interact with the world. It draws upon the field of ontology, which is the philosophical study of existence, reality, and being. Ontological coaching aims to support individuals in making meaningful changes in their lives by deepening their understanding of themselves, their relationships, and their environments.

In ontological coaching, the emphasis is on exploring and shifting fundamental ways of being, including one’s beliefs, values, emotions, and language. It recognises that our perceptions and interpretations shape our experiences and actions, and by transforming these aspects, we can create new possibilities and achieve personal and professional growth.

Ontological coaching combines elements from philosophy, linguistics, psychology, and neuroscience to facilitate self-awareness, learning, and change. It often involves working with clients to examine their underlying assumptions, habits of thinking, and ways of relating to others. An ontological coach helps individuals identify and challenge limiting beliefs or patterns that may be hindering their progress and supports them in developing new perspectives and practices that align with their desired outcomes.

This coaching approach considers the interconnectedness of the individual, their relationships, and their environment. It recognizes that change is not isolated to the individual alone but involves the broader context in which they exist. Ontological coaching can be applied in various domains, including personal development, leadership, business, and organisational settings.

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A Potted History
I have been involved in the world of ontological coaching since 1994. This potted history speaks to my understanding of how it generally evolved. Ontological coaching blossomed as a discipline...
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Being an Ontological Coach
As it is taught through the Newfield tradition, ontological coaching involves generating shifts in a coachee’s ‘way of being‘. Our way of being is not a fixed state but one...
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Ontology Revisited
The dominant players in the world of ontological coaching and its underpinning philosophy are commercial entities namely Newfield Network, The Ontological Coaching Institute and Newfield Consulting....
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The Coaching Space
Ontological coaching is not about compelling people to act in different ways but about creating spaces for them in which they can choose to move differently. There are many parallels between...
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