Being an Ontological Coach

As it is taught through the Newfield tradition, ontological coaching involves generating shifts in a coachee’s ‘way of being‘. Our way of being is not a fixed state but one of continual change and the role of the ontological coach is to work with others to design a way of being that the coachee assesses serves them best.

The Competence of Ontological Coaching

Ontological Coaching stems from an interpretation of a human being’s way of being in three domains – language, emotions and body. A skilled ontological coach is adept at observing themselves and others in these domains and also in intervening in these domains to bring shifts in their own or their coachee’s way of being. An ontological coach also understands the dynamics of the conversational patterns in which human beings engage and is able to skilfully employ those patterns in their coaching and see holes in the pattern where a coachee declares they are ineffectively dealing with a breakdown.

There are certain aspects that encapsulate the being of an ontological coach, or any coach for that matter, and include:

  1. Service
    An ontological coach sees themselves in service to the people they coach. Ontological coaching is not the Coach’s ego, but delivering value to the coachee. Good coaching is only good coaching if the coachee claims it is so.
  2. Respect
    An ontological coach acts in a way to not violate a coachee’s dignity. This involve the coach gaining the coachee’s explicit permission to engage in conversations about the coachee’s way of being and places where those conversations may go. Ensuring ongoing permission is an imperative of ontological coaching.
  3. Trustworthiness
    Trust is the cornerstone of all healthy relationships and an ontological coach ensures they develop trust with their coachee. To that end, an ontological coach works to be assessed by their coachee in all four domains of trust – sincerity, competence, reliability (making and honouring their commitments) and care.
  4. Confidentiality
    An ontological coach knows that confidentiality must be sacrosanct to effectively build trust within any coaching relationship. All conversations with the coachee must remain confidential unless the coachee gives permission for a matter to be discussed with others. This may mean an ontological coach sometimes has to deal with others who feel they have a right to hear about the coaching conversations. For example, this could apply to a manager in an organisation who is paying the bill and believes this gives them the right to know the details of the conversations. One of the major challenges in coaching can be maintaining confidentiality but without it trust will suffer and the coaching relationship will not work.
  5. Understanding Your Limitations as a Coach
    Ontological coaches know their limitations. They are able to recognise when they may potentially damage a coachee and have the capacity to discontinue a coaching conversation or contract when they do not assess they have the competence to handle the coachee’s concerns or state of being. An ontological coach will also frequently check with their coachee in relation to the value of the coaching. If the coach does not feel they are providing as much value as they could, then they should raise their concern with their coachee, but the final word belongs to the coachee. They know best what they need.
  6. Non-Directive Conversation
    Ontological coaches provide their coachees with the opportunity to unfold new ways of observing and acting, but they do not give direction. To do so is to assume that the coach knows what is best for their coachee and accordingly diminishes the respect shown. At times, ontological coaches engage in sharing distinctions in the domains of language, emotion and body and may invite their coachees to consider new ways of observing or acting, but this should always be an invitation that can be declined by the coachee.

In the video below, Alan Sieler provides his thoughts on ontological coaching and how this approach can assist people enhance their lives.

I will not go any further into the ontological distinctions used by the various Newfield organisations. If you would like to find out more then I invite you to contact them directly through their websites listed below:

1. Newfield Institute
2. Newfield Network
3. Newfield Consulting